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25136 40 老马 发表于 2014-4-29 18:29:34 |
elexujx  高中三年级 发表于 2014-5-27 17:31:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东汕头
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弱智儿童向太阳  版主 发表于 2014-6-3 23:31:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京
costa_na  大学三年级 发表于 2014-7-24 18:47:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川成都
本帖最后由 costa_na 于 2014-7-26 13:01 编辑


Will intermittent dosing transform TKI therapy in cancer research?


At AACR last year, one of the most revealing presentations was on metastatic melanoma, specifically, some elegant research by Meghna Das Thakur (NIBR) demonstrating that intermittent pulsing of vemurafenib (a BRAF V600E inhibitor)  led to less resistance than inhibiting the target 24/7.
去年的AACR上,在那些最具启发意义的报告中,有一个是由Meghna Das Thakur阐述的关于转移性黑色素瘤的一些很漂亮的研究,其展示了对比不间断用药,vemurafenib(一种BRAF V600E抑制剂)的间歇性脉冲用药导致了更低程度的耐药。

Many of us wondered whether such a pulsing approach would be useful for other tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).

Fast forward to this week.

Neal Rosen’s lab at MSKCC has an interesting new paper out looking at the effects of pulse dosing with PI3K and ERK inhibition, since targeting both has long been suspected to be key in overcoming cross-resistance.
纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MSKCC)的Neal Rosen实验室发表了一篇有意思的新论文,其研究了PI3K和ERK抑制剂脉冲给药的有效性,因为长久以来一直都认为同时靶向这两者是克服交叉耐药的关键所在。

Recall that despite promising preclinical research, most of the early patient trials looking at targeting the PI3K-Akt-mTOR and RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathways in combination were, however, disappointing to say the least, both in terms of the side effect profile, and also with respect to clinical efficacy.

These results also applied to combinations with chemotherapy, which were added to either agent to try and induce cell death via apoptosis.

We know that the PI3K pathway is dysregulated in many cancers, so why have the combinations tried to date produced less than optimal results?

Well, Will et al., (2014) showed that:
  • RAS-ERK pathway is a key downstream effector pathway of oncogenic PI3K
  • ERK inhibition is required for apoptosis (cell death) to occur with a PI3K inhibitor
  • It is important to coordinate downregulation of AKT and ERK since both are necessary for induction of apoptosis and antitumor activity
  • Such an effect can be achieved with intermittent dosing, which will also likely decrease toxicity and allow administration of therapeutic doses

  • RAS-ERK通路是致瘤性PI3K的一个关键的下游效应器通路
  • 在使用PI3K抑制剂的同时抑制ERK,对于凋亡(细胞死亡)来说是必要的。
  • 因为(抑制)AKT和ERK对于诱导凋亡和(药物的)抗肿瘤活性来说是必须的,所以重要的是协同下调这两者
  • 类似的效果可以通过间歇性脉冲(给药)来实现,这样可能会降低毒性同时也可用控制好治疗的剂量

Ah so the same concept that Das explored in metastatic melanoma could also have potential with PI3K and MEK inhibition!

I find this approach fascinating because in the past, when I queried whether we needed to hit two targets maximally and continuously, rather than look at intermittent or minimally effective dosing (MED), industry people were up in arms and sent me more heated emails on this topic than anything else we’ve ever blogged about!

Meanwhile, Rosen himself hinted at this solution in a talk at the AACR Molecular Targets meeting in Boston last year and said a publication was underway to explain their findings. Generally, I don’t report on unpublished findings out of respect to the scientists and thus didn’t mention it in our extensive AACR Targets Coverage, but am delighted this is now a topic for more public discussion.

Part of the conundrum was articulated by Will et al., (2014) in their author manauscript (see below for the link under the Cancer Discovery Online First Section this month):
这个难题的一部分在Will et al., (2014)的作者手稿中得到了清晰地阐述(参见下面的链接,发表于这个月的Cancer Discovery First Section):

Since mTOR and AKT inhibitors reactivate PI3K signaling, we asked whether PI3K inhibitors have more significant antitumor activity, perhaps by inhibiting other PI3K targets in addition to AKT/mTOR.

Selective PI3K and AKT inhibitors were compared in tumors with activation of PI3K pathway signaling in order to assess differences in the biochemical and biologic consequences of their inhibition. Both inhibitors effectively inhibited downstream targets of AKT, relieved feedback inhibition of growth factor receptors, and inhibited cell growth. However, in HER2-dependent breast cancers, PI3K inhibitors, but not AKT inhibitors, caused the rapid induction of a significant degree of apoptosis.
选择性的PI3K和AKT抑制剂在具有激活的PI3K信号通路的肿瘤中进行了对比,以评估两者在生化特性和抑制作用的生物学效果方面的差异。两种抑制剂都能有效抑制AKT下游靶点,这减弱了生长因子受体(growth factor receptors)的反馈抑制,从而抑制了细胞生长。但是在HER2依赖的乳腺肿瘤中,PI3K抑制剂,而不是AKT抑制剂,引起了对极高程度凋亡的快速诱导作用。

We find that, whereas AKT inhibitors inhibit AKT/mTOR and activate ERK signaling, PI3K inhibitors inhibit both. They cause durable inhibition of AKT signaling but also transient inhibition of RAS activation and ERK signaling, both of which are required for induction of apoptosis. Moreover, induction of apoptosis by an AKT inhibitor is significantly enhanced when combined with a MEK inhibitor.

Our results show that PI3K is upstream of wild type RAS as well as AKT/mTOR, and this causes the therapeutic consequences of PI3K inhibition to be significantly greater than those of AKT inhibition.

A number of different inhibitors of PI3K, AKT, mTOR and MEK were explored in this research, so the results are not limited to one or two.

One important question that the group sought to address the inhibition issue:

PI3K inhibitors cause rapid inhibition of ERK in breast cancer cells with HER2 amplification, but P-ERK levels rebound fairly quickly. Even so, this transient inhibition is required for significant induction of apoptosis by these drugs. We asked whether more complete and sustained inhibition of ERK might enhance induction of cell death by the PI3K inhibitor.
PI3K抑制剂在具有HER2扩增的乳腺癌细胞中导致对ERK的快速抑制。但ERK的磷酸化水平(P-ERK level)反弹地极其迅速。即便如此,这种短暂的抑制对于采用这类药所诱导的显著的细胞凋亡来说是必须的。我们想到是否能够通过PI3K抑制剂联合对ERK更全面和持久的抑制,从而增强对肿瘤细胞死亡的诱导作用。

They found that:

These results suggest that, in some cells, inhibition of other non-AKT targets of PI3K contribute to induction of apoptosis, or that stronger MEK  inhibition is required to fully activate apoptosis. Combined inhibition of MEK and PI3K caused more apoptosis than any of the other treatments in all three models.

This lead to further work and the finding that:

Pulsatile PI3K inhibition caused initial tumor regression and significantly suppressed tumor growth. The effectiveness of intermittent administration of the PI3K inhibitor and its superior antitumor activity compared to AKT inhibition were confirmed in another HER2 amplified, PI3K mutant breast cancer model, MDA-MB–361.

The reason for this?

We hypothesized that the effectiveness of PI3K inhibition was due in part to its combined inhibition of ERK and AKT.

The Will et al., (2014) article is available online and open access (see here for direct link) – I highly recommend those interested in this field checking it out and reading the nuggets for yourself, it’s well written and easy to follow.

What does all this mean?

It would be hard for me to improve on Will et al., (2014) conclusion that:

Recently, treatment with more selective PI3K inhibitors has led to greater therapeutic efficacy in lymphomas and in breast cancer with PI3K mutation or HER2 amplification. The ability of any PI3K inhibitor to inhibit signaling adequately is limited by physiologic toxicity. Moreover, attempts to combine MEK inhibitors with `dual specificity’ PI3K or AKT inhibitors have been complicated by severe toxicity at modest doses of these drugs.

The idea that the pathway must be inhibited continuously dominates the clinical development of these drugs.

Our finding that transient inhibition of PI3K is effective in in vivo models suggests that periodic rather than continuous target inhibition is an alternative strategy that would allow adequate pathway inhibition without causing inordinate toxicity or chronic feedback reactivation of receptors.

Thus, combining PI3K inhibitors, MEK inhibitors and, perhaps, inhibitors of key reactivated RTKs, and administering them at high dose on intermittent schedules may be a more effective therapeutic strategy for these tumors.

Overall, don’t be surprised to suddenly see new clinical trials emerge evaluating intermittent dosing with PI3K and MEK inhibitors. The only questions  in my mind is who will be the first to go this route and who will be able demonstrate superior efficacy and tolerability in patients?

The scientific rationale is very solid for intermittent dosing with BRAF V600E inhibitors and now with the combination with a PI3K plus a MEK inhibitor; it will be really interesting to see if such an approach will translate successfully in the clinic.  I hope it does because improving outcomes is
ultimately what we are all here for.

*: 该博文发表于2014年1月17日
costa_na  大学三年级 发表于 2014-7-24 19:24:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川成都
Meghna Das Thakur关于vemurafenib在黑色素瘤中采用剂量调整克服耐药的paper

Modelling vemurafenib resistance in melanoma reveals a strategy to forestall drug resistance

Mutational activation of BRAF is the most prevalent genetic alteration in human melanoma, with$50% of tumours expressing the BRAF(V600E) oncoprotein1,2. Moreover, the marked tumour regression and improved survival of late-stage BRAF-mutated melanoma patients in response to treatment with vemurafenib demonstrates the essential role of oncogenic BRAF in melanoma maintenance3,4. However, as most patients relapse with lethal drugresistant disease, understanding and preventing mechanism(s) of resistance is critical to providing improved therapy5. Here we
investigate the cause and consequences of vemurafenib resistance using two independently derived primary human melanoma xenograft models inwhich drug resistance is selected by continuous vemurafenib administration. In one of these models, resistant tumours show continued dependency on BRAF(V600E)RMEKRERK signalling owing to elevated BRAF(V600E) expression. Most importantly, we demonstrate that vemurafenib-resistant melanomas become drug dependent for their continued proliferation, such that cessation of drug administration leads to regression of established drug-resistant tumours. We further demonstrate that a discontinuous dosing strategy, which exploits the fitness disadvantage displayed by drugresistant cells in the absence of the drug, forestalls the onset of lethal drug-resistant disease. These data highlight the concept that drugresistant cells may also display drug dependency, such that altered dosing may prevent the emergence of lethal drug resistance. Such observations may contribute to sustaining the durability of the vemurafenib response with the ultimate goal of curative therapy for the subset of melanoma patients with BRAF mutations.

191746n5c.pdf (672.07 KB, 下载次数: 33)
啊呀AYA  初中三年级 发表于 2014-7-25 23:23:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江杭州
MARK 谢谢马总,Y版,养肥看
yyy666  硕士一年级 发表于 2014-7-26 23:59:17 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国
珈蓝夜听雪  高中二年级 发表于 2014-7-27 07:09:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 陕西西安
lslswk  初中一年级 发表于 2014-7-29 23:39:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京
明月几时有  初中三年级 发表于 2014-9-20 09:43:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 海南海口
wenyang1128  小学六年级 发表于 2014-10-24 18:43:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 重庆沙坪坝区
yingwen   kanbudonga


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