1 \: u" S8 T) `; m& FVaccine to Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence Shows Promise in Patients Whose Tumors Overexpress HER2
V5 Y. d J; x6 A0 n0 H来源:PracticeUpdate 2014-09-11
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http://www.elseviermed.cn/news/d ... ast_cancer_patients! [& I( U1 v6 u8 j. V- a* v
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: f3 \. q0 H: s. T5 ~6 o得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市圣安东尼奥军人医疗中心的Erika J. Schneble汇报了这项有关粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)联合GP2(一种来源于HER2的用以刺激CD8+T细胞识别HER2+肿瘤细胞的免疫原性肽)II期试验的初级分析结果。HER2是乳腺癌中常见的肿瘤相关抗原,是免疫治疗的一个新兴治疗靶点。
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Dr. Schneble及其他研究人员完成了这项有关GP2疫苗预防乳腺癌复发的前瞻性、随机、多中心、II期临床试验项目,共计89例患者接受了疫苗接种;研究另外纳入了91例患者作为对照,仅接受了GM-CSF。
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Dr. Schneble总结道,GP2疫苗的安全性和耐受性良好。鉴于迄今为止符合方案人群中尚无复发病例,因而HER2过表达的肿瘤患者或能从中获得更大受益。Dr. Schneble向Practice Update透露:“这个结果很可能与联合使用了曲妥珠单抗有关,有待进行一项III期临床试验以评估疫苗与佐剂共同给药在HER2过表达女性患者中的应用。
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+ @, C) V# d) E& ]September 5, 2014 – San Francisco – Women with breast cancer tumors that overexpress human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) may benefit from a novel vaccine to prevent recurrence. Findings from a primary analysis of a phase 2 trial of this vaccine were presented Friday at the 2014 Breast Cancer Symposium, held in San Francisco, California, from September 4 – 6, 2014.
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Erika J. Schneble, DO, of San Antonio Military Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, presented a primary analysis of the phase 2 trial of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) plus GP2, a HER2-derived immunogenic peptide designed to stimulate CD8+T cells to recognize HER2+ tumor cells. Since HER2 is a commonly expressed tumor-associated antigen in breast cancer, it is an attractive target for immunotherapy.; [! X$ j, [/ ^& _/ A1 S1 Y8 X$ O
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Dr. Schneble and coinvestigators have completed accrual to their prospective, randomized, multicenter, phase 2 trial of the GP2 vaccine to prevent breast cancer recurrence. A total of 89 patients have been vaccinated and 91 patients are serving as controls, having received GM-CSF alone.
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Subjects received six monthly inoculations followed by four boosters administered every 6 months. With 89 vaccinated and 91 control subjects enrolled and vaccinated, there are no differences between groups with respect to age, node positivity, tumor size, grade, estrogen/progesterone positivity, or HER2 expression.. n' N5 e9 V: s3 F
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The vaccine has been well tolerated with toxicities comparable between it and the control formulation. Only one grade 3 local and systemic toxicity reaction has been reported with the vaccine. At 34 (1 – 60) month median follow-up, disease-free survival (DFS) was comparable in the intent-to-treat and per-protocol populations. In patients whose tumors overexpress HER2 (51 vaccinated and 50 control patients), DFS in the intent-to-treat group was comparable at 94% in vaccinated and 89% in control subjects. In the per-protocol group, DFS was 100% in vaccinated, and 89% in control subjects (P = 0.08).
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Dr. Schneble concluded that the GP2 vaccine is safe and well tolerated. Patients whose tumors overexpress HER2 may experience a potentially greater benefit, since to date no recurrences have occurred in this per-protocol group. Dr. Schneble told Practice Update that she attributes this possibility to synergism with trastuzumab therapy, which justifies a phase 3 trial evaluating the vaccine administered in the adjuvant setting to a population of women with HER2-overexpressing tumors. `3 y4 L* `/ ]+ r" h; W4 m$ {2 {
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8 z8 b \: h: w4 j0 X3 X% Y& eCopyright © 2014 PracticeUpdate Editorial Team
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