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早期研究使用的成纤维细胞生长因子(FGFs)主要来自牛脑和脑垂体的提取液,是大约150 个氨基酸结构的酸性或碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(aFGF:FGF1或bFGF:FGF2)。其后分离的 癌基因产物的细胞增殖因子与上述FGFs结构类似,也被分类在FGFs家族,并依次命名为FGF3 ~9。目前已发现23种 FGFs。
FGFs作为细胞间信号分子在胚胎发生和分化过程中起重要作用。FGFs 是由约150~200氨基酸组成的多肽,相互之间的氨基酸序列有20%~50%是相同的。其中心区域有大约 120个氨基酸序列存在高度的同源性(30%~70%)。
FGFs的信号通路:FGFs与存在于细胞表面的FGFRs结合,将信号传递到胞内。FGFRs有4种基因型(FGFR1~4) ,同是一种跨膜蛋白质,主要由3个部分组成:即胞外段、跨膜区和胞内段。胞外段为配体结合区 ,包括2个或3个免疫球蛋白样功能区。根据FGFRs选择性拼接的差异,目前已知存在7种受体蛋白的亚型结构。如FGFR1有FGFR1b,1c,2b,2c,3b,3c,4 7种, 各自均有不同的配体特异性。同样FGFR2也可产生FGFR2-Ⅲb和FGFR2-Ⅲc两种受体亚型。FGFR2-Ⅲb主要在上皮细胞中表达,FGFR2-Ⅲ c主要在间质细胞中表达。间质细胞表达的FGF7和FGF10能特异性地激活FGFR2- Ⅲb,而FGF2、FGF4、FGF6、FGF8和FGF9则特异性激活FGFR2-Ⅲc,这种结合的 特异性与细胞膜环境和硫酸乙酰肝素有关。其中,FGF10与FGFR2Ⅲb有较高的 亲和力,是特异性配体。当FGFR2胞外段发生点突变(S252W)时,促使FGF7和FGF10激活FGF R2-Ⅲc和FGF2、FGF6、FGF9激活FGFR2-Ⅲb,导致表达这些配体的细胞自分泌信号激活。
与多数生长因子受体一样,FGFRs都是酪氨酸激酶型受体,在与配体结合后发生二聚体化,从而激活酪氨酸激酶,在激活Shc/Frs-Raf/MAPKKK-MAPKK-MAPK通路的基础上,通过大量释放磷脂酶C (PLC )、蛋白激酶C(PKC)、磷脂酰肌醇3 -激酶系统(PI3 K)和Ca2+,向细胞内传递信号。
3 FGFR扩增在非小细胞肺癌中的意义
FGFR1扩增见于24.9%(44/177)的中国肺鳞癌患者,而同期检测肺腺癌患者未见FGFR1扩增(0/89)。与女性(11.8%, 4/34)和不吸烟者(11.8%, 4/34)相比,男性(28.0%, 40/143,p=0.049)和吸烟(28.7%, 39/136,p=0.032)患者FGFR1扩增多见。
(2)Rapidly Acquired Resistance to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in NSCLC Cell Lines through De-Repression of FGFR2 and FGFR3 Expression
http://www.plosone.org/article/i ... ournal.pone.0014117
Despite initial and sometimes dramatic responses of specific NSCLC tumors to EGFR TKIs, nearly all will develop resistance and relapse. Gene expression analysis of NSCLC cell lines treated with the EGFR TKI, gefitinib, revealed increased levels of FGFR2 and FGFR3 mRNA. Analysis of gefitinib action on a larger panel of NSCLC cell lines verified that FGFR2 and FGFR3 expression is increased at the mRNA and protein level in NSCLC cell lines in which the EGFR is dominant for growth signaling, but not in cell lines where EGFR signaling is absent. A luciferase reporter containing 2.5 kilobases of fgfr2 5′ flanking sequence was activated after gefitinib treatment, indicating transcriptional regulation as a contributing mechanism controlling increased FGFR2 expression. Induction of FGFR2 and FGFR3 protein as well as fgfr2-luc activity was also observed with Erbitux, an EGFR-specific monoclonal antibody. Moreover, inhibitors of c-Src and MEK stimulated fgfr2-luc activity to a similar degree as gefitinib, suggesting that these pathways may mediate EGFR-dependent repression of FGFR2 and FGFR3. Importantly, our studies demonstrate that EGFR TKI-induced FGFR2 and FGFR3 are capable of mediating FGF2 and FGF7 stimulated ERK activation as well as FGF-stimulated transformed growth in the setting of EGFR TKIs. In conclusion, this study highlights EGFR TKI-induced FGFR2 and FGFR3 signaling as a novel and rapid mechanism of acquired resistance to EGFR TKIs and suggests that treatment of NSCLC patients with combinations of EGFR and FGFR specific TKIs may be a strategy to enhance efficacy of single EGFR inhibitors.
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Ponatinib is a multikinase inhibitor that was developed to inhibit both native (IC50 0.37 nM) and mutant forms of bcr-abl, including T351I (IC50 2 nM) in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Preclinical models demonstrate its ability to inhibit growth of FGFR1-amplifed squamous cell lung cancer xenografs as well as greater potency in inhibiting all activated forms of FGFR1-4 compared to dovitinib, brivanib, cediranib and nintedanib. Common toxicities, reported in the phase II PACE study in CML, showed rash, myalgia, abdominal pain, headache, arthralgia and thrombocytopenia which refect class-efects of bcr-abl inhibitors. Unusual severe adverse event include pancreatitis.
BGJ398’s selectivity for FGFR1-3 was demonstrated in vivo by dose-dependent inhibition of bFGF-stimulated angiogenesis but no corresponding impairment of VEGF-induced angiogenesis. Phase I study of this agent is ongoing, with the study design refecting the recognition that rationale-based, biomarker-driven patient enrichment design is ethical and feasible even in early clinical development of targeted agents. Tis phase I study, which started in 12/2009, is limited to patients with tumor that have FGFR1 or FGFR2 amplifcation or FGFR3 mutations. It started enrolling FGFR1-amplifed NSCLC patients in the frst quarter of 2011.